


  • The Kingdom of Heaven works differently than the Kingdoms of Earth, and King Jesus gives us Heaven’s disruptive strategies so we might subversively install his kingdom in our midst. Check out the message here.

  • “Jesus, what is this called?” I asked after my participant had a vision of Jesus pulling their shame out of them. “Boosh,” Jesus replied in the vision. I pulled out my phone to research the word and discovered it was the biblical Hebrew word for shame. Shame is a powerful force that I’ve dealt with…

  • In Numbers 9, it’s pretty clear that Israel didn’t move unless God’s cloud or fire led them somewhere else. But in Numbers 10, a team of Israelites sought a place to go next, and the cloud went with them. What do we do with these opposing stories? Jamin offers a suggestion based on the dynamic…

  • I take a great liking to C.S. Lewis—especially The Chronicles of Narnia. It took a few months, but my tattoo artist just wrapped up work on my tattoo sleeve of a Narnia map. I may be done with tattoos, but if I decide to keep going, I’ll be turning my other arm into a Lord…

  • Different demons have different weaknesses when they manifest, and it takes discernment to pinpoint each one. I’ve seen some panic and scream when they hear worship music. Some go into great pain over simple touch. Some dry-heave when I ask the person to regain control over their body. Some don’t like hearing tongues. But all…


Robot Jamin

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